Read-Me Files
Here are the various read-me files from all the programs ever
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Scripture Mastery Programs, Version 1.2
Special thanks to Jacob Creedon ( for the technique used in the Old Testament and the D&C programs. It allowed for side scrolling and therefore made it smaller. Thanks Jake!
Programmer: Jeremiah Walgren
First off, I'm NOT the best programmer so these programs aren't the best in the world. And if you don't like them, then don't use them.
Secondly, this zip contains a few things if you haven't noticed yet. They are: - contains nifty in case you don't have it
readme.txt - what you're reading (doesn't everyone say that?)
sm1 - Scripture Mastery for the Old Testament
sm2 - Scripture Mastery for the New Testament
sm3 - Scripture Mastery for the Book of Mormon
sm4 - Scripture Mastery for the Doctrine and Covenants
smbm - nifty program for Book of Mormon
smdc - nifty program for Doctrine and Covenants
smnt - nifty program for New Testament
smot - nifty program for Old Testament
Anyway, these programs contain the scripture mastery for the afore mentioned texts. They took me a little of my time so if you're gonna change them majorly or post them at a different site, please e-mail me and let me know. It's not like I can stop you from doing so, but it would be nice to know where these progs are on the internet and what they're like.
For questions, comments, wanna talk, etc. My e-mail address is:
Bugs: none that I know of. Wordwrap in nifty is kind of weird, I know. I'll do something about it later in my life when I have the time.
Thanks to everyone and everything. Especially you for downloading this. And if you find something wrong, with the programs or
readme, let me know so I can fix it. Or you could fix it and e-mail it to me, too. And not that it'll happen or anything, but if these crash your calc or ruin it in anyway, you can't sue me or anything. I'll try to help but I won't pay for anything.
The future is as follows:
They are as small as I can get them. I am making these FLASH apps, or at lest trying to. It will be something new to me so it will take some time. If you would like to help or do it by yourself, please e-mail me so we can work something out. Or if you would like to port them to another calculator, BASIC or
ASM, go ahead and do so. Just let me know first, please.
Project started on January 18, 2002. Everything before August 28, 2002 is considered to be below version 1.0 and will be kept in the annals of history. Or on your computer if you feel like it. Also, if you would like the story on how I began these then please e-mail me.
August 29, 2002 - Version 1.0
-All 4 sets complete
-As small and perfect as I can make them.
For the moment, that is.
-Updated readme.txt with extra info.
September 14, 2002 - Version 1.1
-Made them a few hundred bytes smaller.
-Updated readme.txt.
-Worked on reformating for smaller size.
-Began work on FLASH apps.
October 10, 2002 - Version 1.2
-Original programs untouched.
-Update of readme.txt.
-Still working on FLASH apps.
-Made nifty programs to take up less RAM.
-Began designing for other calcs.
Scripture Mastery - 86
Programmer: Jeremiah Walgren
I have now created an 86 version that you can use. It requires the
text viewer that has been included in the zip. SM stands for scripture
mastery and BoM for Book of Mormon, etc. Thanks to Clem Vasseur of
Icarus Productions for the text viewer!
Please send me any comments, questions, improvements, etc. that you may
have on these programs. Thanks.
Scripture Mastery Program 68k
Scripture Mastery Program v1.00
By: Jacob Creedon
Origanal 83 version by Jeramiah Walgren
Contents of zip
SMReadme.txt --What you're reading now :)
smot --Old testament program
smnt --New testament program
smbm --Book of Mormon program
smdc --D&C program
screen 1-3 --screenshots
Send the files you want to the calculator. When you run them select a scripture from F1-F5 (they are split up so you dont have to scroll.) When you select one use Right and Left to scroll through the scripture(s). When you want to quit press F6 (2nd [F6] on the 89) and it will bring you to the home screen.
Thanks to..
Jeramiah for the original program (sorry if I spelled your name wrong...)
Texas Instruments for the calculator for being great
Version history:
-- first version, no errors I hope
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Disclaimer: This program is a 3rd party organization not affiliated in any
way to Texas Instruments. We only create programs to be used on the calculators.
We are not responsible for any damage done to your calculator.